Choosing Your Terrain: Abraham, Lot, and the Landscape of Faith (Genesis 13)

Sep 15, 2024    Peter Voorhees

This Sunday, we'll be diving into Genesis 13, exploring the diverging paths of Abram and Lot. In a world that constantly beckons us with attractive choices, how do we discern the path that leads to spiritual vitality rather than compromise? We'll examine how even well-intentioned decisions can subtly shift our spiritual compass, and discover the power of consistent worship in anchoring our lives. Have you ever found yourself, like Lot, drawn to a "well-watered plain" that seemed promising, only to realize later it was leading you away from God's best? Join us this Sunday as we unpack this timeless story and its profound implications for our daily walk with God. We'll learn practical ways to safeguard our hearts, make wise choices, and build altars of faith in our lives, even amidst life's complexities.